TERMINATOR-HSD Concrete Cleaning and oil stain remover. No other concrete cleaner works this well for businesses… and it’s so easy to use.
Are you tired of looking at those ugly black oil stains? TERMINATOR-HSD Concrete Cleaner will remove the grease stains in your parking lot or equipment yard. Have you tried a concrete cleaning product that did not work or was hard to use? Do you want to avoid the hassle of power washing? No concrete cleaner works better!
Let’s face it, concrete cleaning is tough when oil, fuel, or hydraulic fluids are involved. Those stains seem impossible to get out. Usually you just do your best to ignore them, right? You may have tied a concrete cleaner with results that were terribly disappointing.
Concrete cleaning CAN actually be easy. The solution is the TERMINATOR-HSD Concrete Cleaner product.
Watch the VideoTERMINATOR-HSD concrete cleaning product is also a quick response solution to that fresh oil or gasoline spill. Simply spread enough product to absorb all spilled and pooling petroleum compounds. Once absorbed, all petroleum compounds are contained and encapsulated. You can leave the remaining absorbed solid waste for nature to biodegrade, or dispose of according to local regulations.